A new venture is underway for Rotary members and residents of Riverview Manor nursing and rehabilitation home. It’s hard to tell who is benefiting more, the residents or Rotarians! Read more about our “Getting to Know You” project! 

Getting to know more Owego residents

The idea was twofold - first, to provide companionship and second, to encourage residents to share memories of growing up, turning points in their lives, and the times that stood out for them. Willing residents and their families gave us permission for the interview and for a photo. We composed a short biography from these interviews and created a poster of each. These posters are now on display at Riverview for all to share. Residents, families and friends will hopefully enjoy learning more about the residents and finding commonalities that lead to more conversation.
It’s been a positive experience both for our “subjects” and for us. Most importantly, residents get the opportunity to laugh, boast a little, and reminisce about things they haven’t thought about in awhile.
What we didn’t anticipate was how much fun and how inspirational this venture has turned out to be  for our members.  We’ve completed several interviews.  We seem to walk away from each one having been amazed by what we’ve just learned.  It is such a testament to the expression, “Everyone has a story to tell.”